"Subtitling is a complicated tango during which [the subtitler] dances with the film until both are equal partners"

– Carrie Rickey –

As subtitler, film critic and journalist Henri Béhar suggestively put it, subtitling is “a form of cultural ventriloquism, […] the focus must remain on the puppet, not the puppeteer. Our task as subtitlers is to create subliminal subtitles so in sync with the mood and rhythm of the movie that the audience isn’t even aware it is reading. We want not to be noticed.”

Subtitling is both a technical and an artistic process.

Word-for-word transcriptions or literary translations are out of the question. Subtitling is like “condensing sonnets into haikus,” as film critic Carrie Rickey once put it.


Subtitling Services

Italian > Italian
English > Italian
Portuguese > Italian

subtitle translation

Translation of the script according to the timeframes, making it comfortable for the viewer to read.

Subtitling for the Deaf or Hard-of-hearing

IT>IT, EN>IT or PT>IT subtitling including sound effects to make multimedia content accessible to people with hearing disabilities.

Spotting (timing and synchronization)

Spotting is the step where time codes are created and text is formatted specifically to create a captions file or a subtitles template.

subtitling for children

IT>IT, EN>IT or PT>IT subtitling that takes into account children’s reading ability and literacy levels.

proofreading and quality control

I can review, edit, and proofread your subtitles to ensure accuracy in transcription, translation and timing.

Forced Narrative

Text overlay that clarifies pertinent information meant to be understood by the viewer. Forced narrative subtitles are used to clarify dialogue, texted graphics or location/person IDs that are not otherwise covered in the dubbed/localized audio.


I can adapt the client-provided translation to a subtitle template to create Italian, English or Portuguese subtitles.


I can help you with the process of converting audio into verbatim text with timestamps to pinpoint when the text is spoken in the video.


If you are not sure whether your project fits into my skill set, or if you would just like to discuss about it, you are welcome to contact me and we will evaluate it together.



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